Working Experience


CARLSON ANALYTICS LABS, Minneapolis, MN July 2018-Present

Data Science Intern & Product Owner

Client: U.S. Market Leader in Cleaning Equipment

  • Deducts 30% traveling time of collecting right parts to fix client’s machines by munging 1M+ rows of maintenance records and by concluding components correlation with association rules

  • Enhances accuracy rate by 40% to predict machine failures with random forest and outliers detection on 200K+ censor data

  • Directs team of 5 as product owner to develop products aligned with business needs under agile frameworks

Client: Leading Hotel and Casino Groups in Midwest

  • Identified root causes of hotel occupancy drop with exploratory analysis and anomaly detection on reservation data (2M+ rows) and conclude worsened user experiences as main reasons, suggesting service improvement to amplify revenue

  • Redesigned guest behavioral metrics and marketing events with RFM model using K-means clustering and churn analysis

  • Reduced 30% prediction error with SVM models to predict daily hotel room demands for 4 guests categories

Client: Mall of America (MOA)

  • Mined 200K transactions of 3 gift shops to suggest inventory and staffing strategies with ANOVA on time-series basis

    ˙  Estimated 10% sales growth with basket analysis to optimize product assortment by locating supplementary categories

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UPPER MIDWEST AGRICULTURAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTER, School of Public Health, Minneapolis, MN June 2018-Present

  • Research Assistant – Social Media/Web Analytics Intern

  • Integrated 3-year social media data on Big Query cloud database; wrote SQL queries to optimize daily ETL tasks

  • Expanded social media followers by 2x by implementing A/B testing on promoted ads, text analytics, topic modeling, and tweets scraping to locate most engaging topics and keywords for FB and Twitter users

  • Saved 80% reporting time by defining traffic and retention metrics for 3 social media and UMASH website, and by developing auto dashboards with R ggplot2 and Google Analytics


CNYES.COM, Taipei, Taiwan August 2016 - March 2018

Senior Web Analyst & Growth-Hack Project Lead

  • Achieved 30% monthly user growth (PC/mweb/app) by founding the growth-hack team of 25 cross-functional members, prioritizing product roadmap and tracking product feature metrics and marketing campaigns

  • Effectively excluded 20% abnormal traffic (250K fake user IDs) by classifying spam IPs with logistic regression and KNN

  • Lifted click-through-rate of related news by 10% by planning and conducting A/B testing on recommender system

  • Saved 90% reporting time spent for News/Product Team by data automation and visualization on Google Cloud, pioneering in implementation of Google Analytics & Data Studio Dashboards for management and board meetings

  • Doubled ad client retention rate by equipping sales team with data-centered mindset with monthly GA training


YUAN-SHI DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY, Taipei, Taiwan May 2015 - July 2016

Senior Business Analyst

  • Launched 1st version of video E-commerce website in Taiwan; successfully collected user behavioral data at each phase of user journey, and achieved 200% sales growth by introducing customer funnel analyses (AARRR)

  • Boosted ROI of filmed products from 250% to 500% by writing MySQL query to collect 500K transactions in databases and proposing merchandise selection model with time series analysis on newly-defined metrics


I READ WITH PEERS-STARTUP, Taipei, Taiwan October 2012 - May 2015

Cofounder & Chief Executive Officer

  • Founded and led a 25-members startup to teach 250 creative lessons to 400 students in 4 schools to form reading habits and evoked students’ interest in stories through performance art, building an innovative platform model

  • Pitched to the executive team of Ministry of Education, Taiwan and was awarded with US$ 50K startup funds




Carlson School of Management: Master of Science in Business Analytics


NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY, Taipei, Taiwan January 2015

Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business, minor in Drama